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Electrical Works
Requirement : Establishment of Mini High Mast Lights at Saraswathi Shishu Mandir School Junction in W.No.13 at Church Junction backside of Saraswathi Shishu Mandir school in near Pochemma Temple in W.No.13.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,27,333
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Establishment of Mini High Mast Lights at Seon Church Junction in W.No.12, at Junction backside of SCCL Dispensary in W.No.12, at Ganesh Mandap Junction near Nalla Odelu sir(H) in W.No. 8 and 11.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,37,261
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Establishment of Mini High Mast Lights at Layola School Junction in W.No.10, at Pawan Saloon Junction near Bathula Srinivas(H) in W.No.10, near Ganesh mandap junction in W.No.9 & 10.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,34,142
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Establishment of Mini High Mast Lights at Siddi Vinayaka Ganesh Mandap in MLA Colony in W.No.7, at Dr. Anjaneyulu(H) in MLA Colony in W.No.07, at welfare Centre Junction in Ganesh Nagar in W.No.7.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,27,333
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Establishment of Mini High Mast Light near Anganwadi Center in W.No.10, at near Kampelli Ramesh(H) Junction in W.No.21, at Open Gym Location beside Comunity Toilet in W.No.08.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,27,333
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Establishment of Solar High Mast Light at Vidhyanagar Eidga in W.No.19.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 2,51,874
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Establishment of Mini High Mast Lights in Near Mandamarri Police Station, Government Hospital in W.No.23, Model School premises.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,29,154
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Establishment of Solar Single High Mast Lights at Muslim Grave Yard, Near Substation.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,07,329
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Medical Equipment
Requirement : Supply of Spiro Meter, ECG Machine, SPO2 (Pulse Oxymeter) and Fetal Doppler to all Sub Centres, HWCs, PHCs and BPHUs.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 30/3/2022
Medical Equipment
Requirement : Supply of EMG NCV EP Machine.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 12/4/2022
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