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Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing High Mast poles (7.5 mtrs) at various locations in Mansoorabad division of Hayathnagar Circle (7th Recall)
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 1,05,694
Closing Date : 23/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Installation of LED profile lights for Indoor Badminton Courts at Bhuwanavijayam - 115 Balajinagar Division, 3rd phase & 9th phase - 114 KPHB Division (9th Call)
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 3,31,211
Closing Date : 21/3/2022
Clothing Material
Requirement : Supply of Sesha Vastramulu, Joket Shawls, Ordinary Shawls, Jacket Pieces and VIP Shawls.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 19/3/2022
Lab Equipment
Requirement : Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance of Advanced Magnifiers Lenses & Magnifiers, Microwave Oven, Solvent Evaporator System, Refrigerated Micro Centrifuge, Maula Injector for existing HPLC, UV Cabinet, Sonicator, Gas Detector, X CAT or equivalent for drug and explosive detection, X CAT or equivalent Cartridges, Forensic Light Source and Search Light.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Requirement : Supply of Workstations with dimensions, Premium Executive Table, Premium Executive Chairs, Premium Visitor Chairs, Executive Tables, Executive Chairs, Executive Visitor Chairs, Storage Wall Mounted Cupboards with dimensions, Storage Cabinets, Island Tables, Lab Stools, Disk Degaussed, Paper Shredder and Jammer.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 23/3/2022
Electrical Material
Requirement : Supply of New Electrical Items.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 6,83,891
Closing Date : 21/3/2022
Printing of Data Entry Formats
Requirement : Printing, supply and delivery of Printing of Data Entry Formats, ball point Pens and writing Pads.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 29/3/2022
Tables, Chairs & Credenzas
Requirement : Supply of Executive Tables, Executive Computer Tables, Revolving Chairs and Credenzas.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 28/3/2022
Printing of Registers
Requirement : Printing and supply of Plain Registers.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 24/3/2022
Printing of Registers
Requirement : Printing and supply of Plain Registers.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 24/3/2022
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