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Uniform Cloth
Requirement : Supply of Uniform Cloth along with stitching.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 28/2/2022
Printing of Books
Requirement : Printing and supply of various for Directorate of Distance Education.
State : West Bengal
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 7/3/2022
Printing of OMR Answer Books
Requirement : Printing and supply of OMR Answer Books and Engineering Drawing Books for various examinations.
State : Kerala
Tender Value : Rs. 96,00,000
Closing Date : 2/3/2022
Maplitho Paper
Requirement : Supply of Snow White Maplitho Paper in reel form having width of 43 cms and 75 GSM.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 12,28,300
Closing Date : 18/3/2022
Printing of Forms & Registers
Requirement : Printing and supply of Stationery Forms and Registers.
State : Karnataka
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 19/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Supply and installation of UG Cables to Nehru Park Pump House under General Funds 2021-22.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 4,16,907
Closing Date : 25/2/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Improvement of LED lighting at Yathapalem, Godduvanipalem, Satyanarayanapuram and Dibbapalem in Ward No. 64 of Zone-VI area.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 6,93,262
Closing Date : 4/3/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing of 15 Nos 7.5 Octagonal central median poles & 24 No's 9 Mtrs Octagonal poles left & right side of newly constructed flyover (Steel bridge) located at Corridor No.23, Old Bombay (Leather Park) to Rd No.45 under HT line in Jubilee hills division & Circle-18.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 18,99,078
Closing Date : 22/2/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing of 20 Nos New PSCC poles at Haq Parast Graveyard, Bada Banda and Providing of AB cable at Haq Parast Graveyard, Bada Banda in Ziaguda Division of Karwan Circle-13.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 1,55,588
Closing Date : 22/2/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Laying of AB cable and dismantling and restoration of damaged poles at various locations in Goshamahal circle.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 5,88,037
Closing Date : 22/2/2022
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