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Requirement : Supply of Bed Mattresses with Sandwiched Rubberized Coir Sheet as Inner Cushioning Material.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 13/11/2021
Requirement : Supply of Stationery (23 Items)
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 1,90,000
Closing Date : 9/11/2021
Electrical Material
Requirement : Supply of Non Modular Elecrical Switches And Accessories Flush Type, Modular electrical switches and accessories, Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor for Single Phase Ac Electric Fan), Electric Bells & Accessories, Lamp Sockets Lamp Holder, Electrical Plugs, PVC Copper cable Single and multi core Circular Sheathed Cord with flexible Conductor, PVC Copper cable single and multi core Circular Sheathed cable with flexible Conductor, PVC Aluminium cable, pressure sensitive adhesive plasticized PVC tapes with non-thermo setting adhesive and Compression cable lugs.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 23/10/2021
LED Luminaries
Requirement : Supply of LED Luminaries for Road and Street Lights.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 23/10/2021
Electrical Material
Requirement : Supply of LED Street Light , Light Emitting Diode LED Fixture- LED Tube Light , LED Luminaries (Recessed Luminaire) Rev 1.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 22/10/2021
Surgical Material
Requirement : Supply of medicines, surgicals, lab and implants.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 1/11/2021
Maintenance of Lab Instruments
Requirement : Maintenance of instruments in laboratory and utilities.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,09,000
Closing Date : 30/10/2021
Requirement : Supply of School Bags, Shoes etc.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : Not Available
Requirement : Catering service to residential schools for the academic year 2021-22.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 1/11/2021
Requirement : Supply of Stationery to residential schools for the academic year 2021-22.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 1/11/2021
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