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Electrical Works
Requirement : Electrical work in 15th Ward Salivahana nagar near volunteer venkatrao house.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 1,68,600
Closing Date : 29/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Setting up of new electrical pole /line in 2nd ward, in 2nd Secretariat.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 8,42,615
Closing Date : 29/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing of Railway Feeder Main By pass Line HT/LT Electrical Poles with Strining of wire From Alur Road Bus Stop to New Raw Water Works Kottala Road.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 19,28,504
Closing Date : 29/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing of Steet lights with Stringing of wire From Alur Road Allipeera Arch to Porter Line Shadi Khana.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 16,72,048
Closing Date : 29/9/2023
Kanduvas & Dhothies
Requirement : Supply of Cotton Kanduvas and Dhothies.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 29/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Shifting of Electrical Lines from One Town Police Station to Star Function Hall.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 5,32,097
Closing Date : 27/9/2023
Electrical Material
Requirement : Supply of Electrical Material in Dundigal, Gagillapur and Bowrampet (Reserved for Waddera/Sagara)
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 8,10,713
Closing Date : 25/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Fixing of Electrical wiring and laying of Flooring to Ambedhkar Bhavan in Mallampet.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,12,513
Closing Date : 25/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Supply and fixing of himast poles and lights at Simhapuri Colony & Indiramma Colony in Bowrampet.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,15,100
Closing Date : 25/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Supply and fixing of himast poles and lights in Survey No. 214 in Church Gagillapur.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 4,15,100
Closing Date : 25/9/2023
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