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Electrical Material
Requirement : Providing Electrical Material, Grills Plastering Painting to Maggala Shed 20 and 21 24 rooms at Rajeev Gruhakalpa 27th Ward.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 21,80,692
Closing Date : 29/8/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing 1 No New High Mast Pole (16 Mtrs) near old Weigh Bridge Excel Plant, Ajith Singh Nagar in Circle-2 area.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 3,62,281
Closing Date : 29/8/2023
LED Street Light Luminaries
Requirement : Supply and delivery of LED street light luminaries for the purpose of street lighting maintenance (Stock) for Ward No. 1 to 20.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 4,02,301
Closing Date : 2/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing High Mast lights in YSR Circle.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 4,31,956
Closing Date : 12/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing High Mast lights in Rajiv Gandhi Circle.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 4,31,956
Closing Date : 12/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing High Mast lights in Valmiki Circle.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 4,31,956
Closing Date : 12/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Supply and fixing of Switch disconnector fuse units with HRC fuses to Annadanam, Main temple & Accommodation buildings (2nd Call)
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 10,29,494
Closing Date : 2/9/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Annual Maintenance to Electrical Installation in Childrean Arena & Gurajada Kalakshetram, Siripuram for the year 2023-24 (Upto 31.03.2024)
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 3,86,387
Closing Date : 31/8/2023
Electrical Works
Requirement : Replacement of Electrical installations to the quarter No-3 /2 , Tungabadhra tower.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 91,893
Closing Date : 29/8/2023
Requirement : Repairs and electrification to Govt. Model Residential Polytechnic.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Rs. 8,56,627
Closing Date : 11/9/2023
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