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Office Chairs
Requirement : Supply of Chair Office (Version 2)
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 17/11/2022
Office Chairs
Requirement : Supply of Chair Office (Version 2)
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 17/11/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Electrical wiring for GI Sheet Shed from South Gopuram to Annadanam Building.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 5,17,714
Closing Date : 22/11/2022
DSA Machine
Requirement : Supply of Digital Subtraction Angiography Machine to Nephrology Department.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 28/11/2022
Medical Equipment
Requirement : Supply of Equipment for NELS Skill Centre (2nd Call)
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 16/11/2022
Blood Centre Equipment
Requirement : Supply of 1. Single Donor Platelet Instrument, 2. 16 Bucket Refrigerated Centrifuge, 3. Semi Automated Blood Group & Cross Matching (Gel Technology) Instrument, 4. Tube Sealer, 5. Platelet Agitator & Incubator.
State : Telangana
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 14/11/2022
Requirement : Supply of CI Room Table, High Back Chair, Visitor Chairs, SI Room Table and Medium Back Chair.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 5,99,800
Closing Date : 11/11/2022
Requirement : Supply of Management Studies Print Books 550 Volumes for Library.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Not Available
Closing Date : 15/11/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Providing Electrification to Prakaramandapam.
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 12,08,344
Closing Date : 21/11/2022
Electrical Works
Requirement : Engaging of electrical helpers for maintenance of LED street lighting with with required materials in Zone-II area for a period of two months (2nd call)
State : Andhra Pradesh
Tender Value : Rs. 3,70,296
Closing Date : 10/11/2022
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